
Terms And Conditions

Terms of Service
Please read these general conditions of use (“CGU”) carefully before using the Cool Casting platform (the “Site”) operated by Cool Casting SUARL (“we”, “us”, “our”).
Your access to and use of the Site is conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. These T&Cs apply to all visitors, users and other people who
access or use the Site. By accessing or using the Site, you agree to be bound by these T&Cs.
Terms of Use Page
“General Conditions of Use” (Footer)
Article 1. – PARTIES
These general conditions are applicable between Cool Casting SUARL, company registered under number SN.MBR.2024.B.282, head office: Résidence NOLVIN,
Main road of Saly, Saly Portudal, M’Bour email: casting@cool-casting.com hereinafter “Cool Casting” and any person, natural or legal, under private law or public law, registered
on the Site, hereinafter “the Client”.
Article 2. – DEFINITIONS
“Subscription”: temporary right of access to the Service.
“Documentary Base”: documents, in particular guides, fact sheets, videos as well as the database and software allowing access to the Documentary Base.
“Client”: any person, natural or legal, under private or public law, registered on the Site to search for castings.
“Advertiser”: any person, natural or legal, under private or public law, registered on the Site to search for profiles.
“Site Content”: elements of any kind published on the Site, protected or not by intellectual property rights, such as texts, images, designs, presentations, videos, diagrams,
structures, databases or software.
“Cool Casting”: Cool Casting SUARL taken in its capacity as publisher of the Site.
“Internet user”: any person, natural or legal, under private or public law, connecting to the Site.
“End User License”: License under which the Documentary Base is made available to Customers by cool-casting.com.
“Product”: goods sold on the Site by “Cool Casting” to the Client and consisting in particular of access to castings, the digital profile and any other goods and services offered on the platform.
“Service”: service provided by “Cool Casting” for the benefit of the Client and consisting of the provision of a personal space to create their profile, apply for casting and follow up
the history of their applications, as well as the possibility of submitting new ones.
“Site”: website accessible at the Cool Casting URL, as well as related subsites, mirror sites, portals and URL variations.
On this page, visitors and clients have access to the general terms of use of the Cool Casting
Senegal platform.
"cool-casting.com" is a private, completely independent service.
The Site is freely accessible to all Internet users. Browsing the Site implies acceptance by any Internet user of these general conditions. The simple connection to the Site, by
by any means whatsoever, in particular through a robot or a browser, will constitute full acceptance of these general conditions. When registering
on the Site, this acceptance will be confirmed by checking the corresponding box.
The Internet user acknowledges having read them fully and accepting them without restriction.
Checking the above-mentioned box will be deemed to have the same value as a handwritten signature from the Internet user. The Internet user recognizes the proof value of the systems
automatic registration of “cool-casting.com” and, unless he provides proof to the contrary, he waives the right to contest them in the event of a dispute.
These general conditions are applicable to relations between the parties to the exclusion of all other conditions, and in particular those of the Internet user.
Acceptance of these general conditions assumes on the part of Internet users that they have the necessary legal capacity for this, or failing that, that they have the authorization to do so.
a guardian or curator if they are incapable, their legal representative if they are minors, or even that they hold a mandate if they act on behalf of a person
4.1. Purpose of the Site
The purpose of the Site is to make the Service available to the Client by “cool-casting.com”. When the client clicks on apply, he authorizes the advertiser who submitted the casting to access his
profile and see their information. The client's profile is only visible to advertisers who have submitted the castings to which the client has applied.
4.2. Services
As part of the Service, Customers have the possibility to post or apply for casting announcements or to purchase the Products made available to them.
4.3. Customer Obligations
4.3.1. Customer Declarations
The Customer ensures