
Privacy Policy



The Cool Casting SUARL company is concerned about the protection of your personal data and, to this end, has implemented a policy in accordance with current regulations.


This document explains this data protection policy to you and how to exercise your rights over your data.


This Privacy Policy applies when:

- you visit our site accessible at the address [https://cool-casting.com](https://cool-casting.com) (hereinafter the “Site” or “Website” or “Platform”) ,

- you contact us via the Site,

- you create an online account on the Site.




The company Cool Casting SUARL registered in the Senegal company register under number SN.MBR.2024.B.282. She is the editor of the Site [cool-casting.com](https://cool-casting.com).

Our Company is a “Processing Manager” within the meaning of the Regulations in force; that is, it is responsible for determining what data is collected, how it is processed. In this Privacy Policy, the use of the pronoun “we” or the word “the Company” refers to the company Cool Casting SUARL.

You can contact us, in particular to exercise your rights:

- by email to the following address: [contact@cool-casting.com](mailto:contact@cool-casting.com)

This Confidentiality Policy only concerns Personal Data collected and processed by the Company and not by Third Party Services (services, software, websites managed by a natural or legal person other than the Cool Casting SUARL Company).




The terms and expressions identified by a capital letter in this document have the meaning set out below or in the Regulations in Force.

- “Site” means the website as well as all its extensions accessible from the address [https://cool-casting.com](https://cool-casting.com)

- “Services” refers to the range of services offered by the Site, i.e. creating a database of varied profiles, promoting opportunities, connecting third parties with professionals, making this database available available to its partners, promote profiles, sell visibility, do marketing and all related activities.

- “User”: designates any person who uses the Services of the Site, in particular to contact us; create a customer account or a partner account.

- “Client”: any user becomes a client of our Company when they create a paid or non-paying account on the Site by entering a password and a telephone number in order to access the client interface which highlights the castings deposited by Cool Casting or its partners.

- “Partner”: refers to any person who has signed the collaboration contract and created a Cool Casting partner account or completed the partner account creation form on the site and aims to benefit from the services by searching for profiles or submitting castings.

- “Ambassador”: refers to any person who signs the Cool Casting Ambassador contract in order to promote the platform.

- “Castings”: all opportunities highlighted on the platform by Partners or by Cool Casting and in which customers can express their interest.

- “Personal data”: all data capable of directly or indirectly identifying a person are considered personal data. This includes first and last name, quality, age, photos, email address or even its IP address.




Certain Data is collected when you browse the Site, we invite you to refer to the data relating to Cookies for more information on this collection.


Data is also collected when you create your account on the Site as a User. Other data is collected when you become a Customer of our Company by subscribing to a paid offer. Other data is collected when you become a Partner or Ambassador of our Company by completing the partnership contract or the Ambassador contract.


Data collected that is mandatory for creating an account is indicated by an asterisk.

We only collect Data that you agree to communicate to us and related to your visit to our Site or in order to respond to your requests, manage your account, your profile, manage your requests.

Data collected for Users:

- Contact: when you contact us via our email address ([contact@cool-casting.com](mailto:contact@cool-casting.com)), we collect your email address or the one from which the message was sent as well as the information you want